Saturday, February 21, 2009

Old Photos

As I was looking at the pictures of the kids together it made me pull up the old slides I scanned while at mom and dad's and thought I'd share a couple with you. I think some of our kids just might actually be ours....there is some resemblance. Just a few little photos for fun. :O) I didn't get that far in scanning so I don't have any of the younger ones. More to come. :O)

1 comment:

Doug said...

Wow, love the photos.

So long ago.

Question, is the concept in Idaho that it is OK if adults crash on bikes and end up with serious head injuries, but we wouldn't dream of letting it happen to the kids? Or are Mike, Al & Kris' heads just sooooo hard that they aren't concerned? I am sure your children would prefer you wear helmets and stick around and be useful.