Thursday, January 15, 2009


I got this email from Jodi Blake with an attachment to a link with a short little video about service. I have to admit I usually just delete these because I don't have time to sit and read all the forwarded email. However I watched this and it was very touching.
We can all do more service and it is just a reminder of how little things can make a big difference. I see that everyday at my job. I complain a lot about the fast pace, late hours, and long days I have and all the complaining I can get from my elderly residence but I feel like I need to also say that I love them. They are wonderful people and I am happy to see them each day I work and think about them often on my days off. It doesn't take much at all for me to make a difference in their lives and the lives of their families. Just the little things go a long way and they are the things that each family member stops to say thank you for.
I hope you enjoy this little video.
On a personal note it made me think of my sweet little niece, Emberlyn. It is amazing that at 2 years of age she has touched the hearts of so many people. She may not walk, talk, and do the things other 2 year old do but she can melt and touch a heart in a matter of seconds with her loving smile. Another reminder that small things, things from the heart can make a big difference.

Have a great day!!!

1 comment:

Hillfivesome said...

You have a heart of gold and that is what I have always admired about you. You are a beautiful strong individual that can with stand almost anything. Your awesome. Em