Sunday, January 18, 2009

Use your Imagi-Nation to Worry

I am suppose to getting my lesson ready for my crazy 4-5 year old primary class. In the process I ran across my favorite book and thought I'd share part of it with you. Since these days times are getting crazy and there can be a lot to worry about I thought we could use these little bit.
I am quoting from John Bytheway's book How to be Totally Miserable
"Use Your Imagi-nation to Worry"
"The Imagi-Nation is a little country in your head. When you're young, you go there to play. When you get older, you go there to plan. But the miserable use the Imagi-Nation for only one thing-they go there to worry. Worrywarts are mountains on the relief map of the Imagi-Nation. Faith is like Compound W. It is prescription strength medicine for worrywarts. But the miserable listen to their doubts more than their faith. To remain miserable, yo must visit the Imagi-Nation only to worry. You mustn't go there to dream, ponder, or play. Miserable people go to the Imagi-Nation to act out all the bad things that might happen. Their Imagi-nation is nothing but an endless marathon of worst-case scenarios. Using your imagination to worry will also ensure that you remain alone-no one wants to be around a worrywart, because worrywarts are contagious." (John Bytheway, How to be Totally Miserable"
"Real difficulties can be overcome; it is the imaginary ones that are unconquerable", Theodore N. Vail

1 comment:

Sharon said...

I loved this - very cool analogy.